Civil, Computer Science, Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical

Branch Experts Interaction

Choose best branch for your future. Your interest on any subject plays a major role along with your interest in company where you want to work after 5 years.

Branch plays a very important role in deciding your future. Before choosing any branch for your future you must know their syllabus, company and a few information related to that. Talk or Chat with different branch experts available with us and know these in detail. Our experts are really supportive in nature they will guide you in a very comfortable manner.

Name of Branch

Branch expert


Civil Engineering

Jaideep Mukherjee

Pursuing in M.Tech

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Rahul Kumar

Pursuing in M.Tech

Computer Science & Engineering

Preeti Kumari

Working at Jobs

Mechanical Engineering

Ayan Kumar Mondal

Working at Jobs

Industrial Production Engineering

Balkaran Kumar

Working at Jobs

Chemical Engineering

Nikhil Kumar

Working at Jobs

Our executive will guide you regarding these queries.

Process Flow

  • Choose Your Guidance Plan

    Compare all guidance plan and decide which one is best for you.

  • Executive Assigned

    After subscribing to a plan GuideForU assigns an executive for you once your payment is verified.

  • Time slot allotement

    Time slot will be finalized by mutual coordination.

  • Conference call

    We will arrange a call for you in conference. Note down all your queries and ask those with the student of that college.

  • Give your feedback

    Once your query is resolved, Give your valuable feedback to let us improve our service.

Why to choose GuideForU for your future?

Great explanation, Your Satisfaction and Building a trust is our main priority.

Talk or Chat with Experts

Feel free to ask all your queries on Call or in Chat.

Telephonic Call

WhatsApp Chat

Hangout Chat

Note:- Ours is purely academic consultancy. We don’t provide any assurance of selection, though we try our best to help student get best university/college. 

We don’t guarantee to solve all your problems but we will try our best to solve your problems.

Read our Terms & Conditions